Oklahoma State University – Grading Writing Support
I provided support for integrating more writing instruction into the curriculum and ran a workshop on grading writing for graduate student teaching assistants.
University of Manitoba – Course Instructor
I taught first year courses in languages and context and languages in Canada. You can see some of my students’ work on the class project website. I also ran a series of workshops on statistical analysis in R for graduate students and faculty. Duties include developing and delivering lectures, assignments and tests/exams, and meeting with students.
- LING 1010 – Language in Context (Winter 2023)
- LING 1360 – Languages of Canada (Fall 2023)
University of Toronto
I have held several teaching assistant and grader positions in my time as a graduate student at the University of Toronto. I have also had the opportunity to serve as lead writing TA for the Department of Linguistics, be a guest lecturer in a graduate course and run undergraduate workshops on R programming and writing.
Course Instructor
Duties include developing and delivering lectures, assignments and tests/exams, meeting with students and working with a grader to mark assignments and tests/exams.
- JLP 374 – Psychology of Language (Summer 2022)
Lead Writing Teaching Assistant (LWTA) – 2020-2023
As part of the University of Toronto Arts & Science WIT (Writing-integrated teaching) program, I received specialized training on teaching and grading writing and assignment design, and used this information to train TAs on grading writing and help instructors in designated courses develop writing assignments. My duties included designing and running training sessions for TAs, facilitating workshops and benchmarking sessions, providing ongoing training to TAs in the form of feedback on feedback and helping instructors with assignment and rubric design.
Teaching Assistant
Duties include running tutorials, marking assignments and exams, exam invigilation, developing course materials, reviewing course materials and technical assistance.
- LIN 101 – Introduction Linguistics – Sound Structure (Fall 2018)
- LIN 102 – Introduction Linguistics – Sentence Structure and Meaning (Winter 2019)
- LIN 200 – Introduction to Language (Fall 2017, Fall 2019)
- LIN 204 – English Grammar (Winter 2018, UTM – Fall 2021)
- LIN 228 – Phonetics (Summer 2020, UTM – Fall 2020)
- LIN 229 – Sound Patterns in Language (Winter 2022)
Duties include marking assignments and exams, as well as exam invigilation. I also developed handouts on visual tests of normality and interpreting p-values for LIN 205 in Winter 2021.
- LIN 201 – Canadian English (Winter 2020)
- LIN 305 – Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (Winter 2020, Winter 2021, Winter 2022)
- JPL 315 – Language Acquisition (Winter 2020)
- JPL 374 – Psychology of Language (Summer 2021)